Thursday, September 23, 2010

My First Wedding Cake

After, many hours of practice, the messiest kitchen I have ever seen and just a few tears, I completed my first wedding cake. It was scary and so much fun at the same time. I have to thank Heather and Ethan, the bride and groom, for taking a chance and letting me make the cake in the first place. I don't know if I ever would have done it if not for Heather telling me that she was sure that the cake would be perfect and she trusted me. Crongrats Heather & Ethan and much thanks to you both!

This cake has so much story, mostly because I had it on my plate for such a long time, that I'll make it short.

The hard parts of this cake for me were:
1. Finding a cake recipe that tasted good but was still dense enough to hold the weight of fondant, decorations and smaller stacked cakes.
2. Getting the largest of the square cake pans to fit in our oven.
3. The cakes were square. Who knew that a square cake would be so much harder to fondant than a round cake?
4. Driving the cakes to the event space where the wedding was held.

The best part of making this cake:
The bride a happy kind of way.

Here are some pictures of the cake, although these pictures aren't very good. I am hoping to get some better ones from the wedding photographer that I can post at a later date.

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