On Saturday afternoon, we went to Brooklyn's Princess party. I made a two tier cake with all of her favorite colors and topped it with a real crown and wand that she could wear and then keep after the party. The stripes and stars were coated in an edible glitter and it was super sparkly.
I also made Brooklyn's birthday gift...a birthday tutu with matching applique tee shirt to match. The birthday tutu and shirt were made to match the cake in shades of pink, purple and green. The party was super fun and princessy!
Later that night, we went Meg's Pretty in Pink Party Palooza. It was an 80's theme party and all of the party goers looked great. It was so fun!
I made some pretty pink cupcakes covered in edible glitter and provided a cute little place to set pretty little crown hair clips. Many of the clips went straight from cake to hair. Too funny!